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The Catchment Analysis tool helps you to understand the size, shape, and demographics of the catchment of a location.

You can access the Catchment Analysis tool by clicking on in the left-hand sidebar.

Catchment Analysis

Add a site

You can add a site for use in the Catchment Analysis module, by clicking on the map or by using the search bar at the top left of the screen (while you are using the Catchment Analysis module).

Sites will only be added if the position where you clicked is accessible by the road network. If you select an area too far away from the road network, an error dialog will appear and you should try a location closer to the road.

Add a site

Site toolbox

The Catchment Analysis module provides a Toolbox that helps you to gain insights into a location. You can reveal the toolbox by clicking on the arrow to the right of the State, and clicking on the arrow to the right of the location’s address.

Site toolbox

View catchment

Click on the button on the left end of the toolbox to calculate and display the catchment of your site. Clicking this button again will then hide the catchment.

Site catchment

You can also click on the catchment polygon to view a popup summary of the demographics of the catchment.

Site catchment popup

Generating reports

Inside the site toolbox, the button will generate a detailed report for your site.

Renaming sites

Click on the button to change the display name of the site.

Deleting sites

Click on the button to archive the site.

Catchment settings

The size and shape of your site’s catchment depends on the catchment settings used to generate it. These settings can be modified by opening up the Catchment Settings dialog. This can be accessed by clicking on the third button in the toolbar at the bottom of the Catchment Analysis module.

Catchment settings

Clicking the update button will generate a new catchment based on those settings. Catchment settings are automatically saved and will be the same when you next load Planwisely.

Archiving and restoring sites

Sites that you no longer need can be archived so that they do not clutter your Catchment Analysis module. The Site toolbox can be used to archive a single site, or you can select multiple sites and archive them all at once using the button at the bottom of the module.

Archived sites can be restored by clicking on the button in the toolbar at the bottom of the module.